FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean

Two initiatives of the Brazil-FAO Cooperation stand out as inspiring experiences


Brasilia, February 14, 2023. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) launched a publication that brings together 18 inspiring experiences that participated in the 1st ‘FAO Transforma’ Fair, held virtually in June 2022. Among them, two initiatives of the Brazil-FAO International Cooperation Programme stood out: Sustainable Schools and Lazos.

The Sustainable Schools methodology was created 10 years ago by the school feeding project, a trilateral South-South cooperation initiative carried out by the Brazilian Cooperation Agency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (ABC/MRE), the National Fund for Educational Development of the Ministry of Education (FNDE/MEC) and FAO. This methodology has already been implemented in 13 countries in the region, directly benefiting more than 1,650,000 students. 

In turn, the Lazos initiative seeks to connect the actors of the Latin American cotton sector in 7 countries through virtual communities for the exchange of knowledge, good practices and information for knowledge management. It is promoted by the +Algodón project, carried out by ABC/MRE, FAO and seven partner countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Haiti, Paraguay and Peru.

The 18 inspiring initiatives presented in the publication were organized around the four improvements that guide FAO's work: better production, better nutrition, better environment and better life. A fifth category has been added for experiences linked to actions to improve institutional support. 

Access the publication: https://www.fao.org/3/cc3837es/cc3837es.pdf