FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean

The Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition is a publication that presents an update on the state of food security and nutrition in Latin America and the Caribbean.


Health on the table – A consumer advocacy perspective on reducing overweight and obesity in Latin America

Aug 1, 2023, 13:29 PM
The health of global consumers has suffered greatly from the growing problem of overweight and obesity. In Latin America and the Caribbean, overweight affects 59.5 percent of adults, more than 20 percentage points above the world average, while almost a quarter of all adults are obese, well above the world average of 13.1 percent.
Title : Health on the table – A consumer advocacy perspective on reducing overweight and obesity in Latin America
Link to External Url : http://www.fao.org/documents/card/en/c/cb5393en
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*Publication Date : Aug 16, 2021, 00:00 AM
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Boletín de publicaciones 2023 ( In Spanish)

Mariela Ramírez

Publications Unit Coordinator