FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean

The Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition is a publication that presents an update on the state of food security and nutrition in Latin America and the Caribbean.


Regional strategy and action plan for the prevention, preparedness, response and recovery of Latin America and the Caribbean to Fusarium wilt of Musaceae tropical race 4

Aug 1, 2023, 13:24 PM
The countries of Latin America and the Caribbean are immersed in the difficult task of recovering our agrifood systems hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. In this complex situation, tropical race 4 of the Musaceae fusarium wilt is undoubtedly the greatest challenge facing the banana and plantain agribusiness in our region.
Title : Regional strategy and action plan for the prevention, preparedness, response and recovery of Latin America and the Caribbean to Fusarium wilt of Musaceae tropical race 4
Link to External Url : https://doi.org/10.4060/cb8674en
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*Publication Date : Sep 20, 2022, 00:00 AM
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Boletín de publicaciones 2023 ( In Spanish)

Mariela Ramírez

Publications Unit Coordinator