Highlights from the One Health Priority Research Agenda for Antimicrobial Resistance
This booklet has been developed in order to facilitate the dissemination of findings in addition to the One Health Priority Research Agenda for AMR (AMR-OHPRA) main document.
Guidelines on monitoring antimicrobial use at the farm level
The guideline provides detailed guidance on establishing a farm-level AMU monitoring system:
conducting a situational analysis;
establishing an operational mechanism;
technical preparation...
FAO tools to promote sustainable livestock transformation by reducing the need for antimicrobials on farms
This brochure is part of a series called "FAO's Work on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)". It aims to provide relevant stakeholders across the One Health spectrum with the necessary tools to promote sustainable livestock transformation ...
Monitoring and surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in bacterial pathogens from aquaculture
The guidelines provide a regional overview of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) surveillance in aquaculture, including the importance of harmonizing methodologies across the region...
Устойчивость к противомикробным препаратам пищевого происхождения. Сборник стандартов.
УПП остается приоритетной проблемой в сфере безопасности пищевых продуктов и представляет серьезную глобальную угрозу для здравоохранения...