

Antimicrobial resistance prevention and education in schools: a brief for education policymakers and school practitioners.

This brief underscores the critical role that schools play in addressing AMR and outlines actions for policy-makers and school practitioners to consider.

Antimicrobial resistance toolkit for youth engagement

The aim of this practical toolkit is to equip youth-led networks and youth-serving organizations with resources to engage young people in AMR communication, education and campaigns for awareness-raising, advocacy and behaviour change.

Regulatory frameworks to address antimicrobial resistance in the food and agriculture sectors

This Legislative Study elaborates on methods for addressing AMR risks and challenges through legislation. It aims to respond to the UN General Assembly’s call for “strengthening of regulatory capacity”, as well as ...

Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Multi-Partner Trust Fund annual report 2023

The AMR Multi-Partner Trust Fund (MPTF) was established in 2019 to combat the threat of AMR through strategic collaboration in the fields of human, animal, plant and environmental health...

Antimicrobial use practices in the livestock sector in Serbia

This issue of the series summarizes the results of interviews performed in Serbia between June and October 2022
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