Strategic Framework for collaboration on antimicrobial resistance. Together for One Health
The document reflects the joint work of the Quadripartite partners to advance a One Health response to Antimicrobial Resistance.
Understanding antimicrobial resistance in food and agriculture
This factsheet describes the course that offers an overview of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) as a global threat to human, animal and environmental health, and explains the role of the food and agriculture sector, and ...
Foodborne antimicrobial resistance: Compendium of Codex standards
AMR is a serious global health threat and a food safety issue of primary concern. Governments and international organizations have recognized that the issue has to be approached in a multidisciplinary manner through the One Health approach...
Elementos técnicos y jurídicos para el desarrollo de una política pública referida a la resistencia a los antimicrobianos en la producción animal
La gestión de la RAM requiere de una estrategia intersectorial y multidisciplinaria. En América Latina y el Caribe, FAO ha asumido un rol protagónico desde el enfoque “Una Salud” con la implementación de proyectos que incluyen un análisis multisectorial...