AQUASTAT - FAO's Global Information System on Water and Agriculture

    Bolivia (Plurinational State of)

    In 1999 the total area equipped for irrigation added up to 128 240 ha [BO01]. More than 50 percent of the irrigated area is concentrated in the provinces Cochabamba and La Paz in the centre of the country. The irrigated area per region estimated that way is visible in the table below and also can be downloaded as Plurinational State of Bolivia irrigation areas in PDF or Plurinational State of Bolivia irrigation areas in Excel.

    The irrigated area has been distributed over departments using an inventory of irrigation projects in 1996 [BO04] and several other maps as available in the AQUASTAT-library [BO02], [BO03], [BO05].

    Area actually irrigated was assumed to be similar to area equipped for irrigation, while area equipped for irrigation with groundwater was 8 955 ha (7 percent of total AEI) in year 1999 [BO01].


    [BO01]: FAO. 2000. AQUASTAT country profile of Bolivia. FAO, Rome, 06/10/2010.
    [BO02]: UNEP. 1996. Diagnostico Ambiental del Sistema Titicaca-Desaguadero-Poopo-Salar de Coipasa Bolivia-Peru.
    [BO03]: Albornoz, J.S.: unknown. La Agricultura de Riego en Bolivia, Situacion Actual y perspectivas.
    [BO04]: Ministerio de Desarrollo sostenible y medio Ambiente. 1996. Situacion de los Recursos Hidricos en Bolivia.
    [BO05]: UNEP. 1996. Diagnostico Ambiental del Sistema Titicaca-Desaguadero-Poopo-Salar de Coipasa Bolivia-Peru.