Youth representative from Armenia participated in the global World Food Forum flagship event

On 14-18 October 2024, the fourth edition of the World Food Forum (WFF) flagship event, the largest annual gathering of agrifood systems stakeholders globally, was held in Rome (Italy). The event brought together thousands of participants from around the world who engaged in dynamic discussions and collaborative action across a range of critical issues, including investment, science and innovation, youth engagement, family farming, indigenous food systems, and water management.
Ester Zakaryan, co-founder of Zovak rural guesthouse and village lifestyle blogger, represented Armenia in the WFF Youth Assembly that provided a dedicated, inclusive and self-organized space for youth in agrifood systems advocacy and policy debate. Since March 2024, Ester participated in the Youth Assembly consultation cycle with thematic and regional virtual sessions. At the 2024 WWF flagship event in Rome, Ester was invited to represent Armenia at the CFS 52 Thematic Assembly, where she shared her experiences in agritourism and gastrotourism.
“During the discussions, I emphasized that rural life could be vibrant and appealing through innovative, modern approaches like agritourism”, -said Ester Zakaryan.
By highlighting the diverse opportunities, Ester showcased how rural communities could attract youth and create sustainable livelihoods without being limited to conventional agricultural practices.
In addition, Ester was also selected to provide her insights through a special interview, addressing the challenges and opportunities young people face in agrifood systems. “My answers reflected both my personal experience and my broader vision for a sustainable future. When talking about the biggest barriers young people face in rural areas, I can highlight a few core issues: a lack of education specific to agrifood systems, limited access to new technologies and innovations in rural areas, and basic living conditions that often deter young people from pursuing careers in agriculture,” said Ester. She added that without the availability of quality infrastructure and profitable business opportunities in the agrifood sector, it would be difficult to inspire a young generation. Emphasizing the role of development organizations and government, Ester advocated for improved access to education, cutting-edge technology, and comfortable conditions for young people.
In sharing strategies for inspiring youth participation, Ester drew on her own life experience, recounting that “After marriage, my husband and I decided to move from the capital city to a far village in Tavush region and develop our own agritourism business. This initiative enabled me to build a sustainable income and get connected with like-minded individuals globally. Agritourism can provide a profitable and low-investment opportunities, offering a unique way to attract youth and foster local collaborations.”
“2024 World Food Forum was an inspiring experience for me, both personally and professionally! Being in such a dynamic environment for networking, exchanging ideas, and building new friendships must have been truly energizing”, concluded Ester about her WWF adventure.
The WFF, launched in 2021 as an independent network of partners hosted by FAO, serves as the premier global platform to actively shape agrifood systems for a better food future, accelerating the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through global youth action, science and innovation and investment, the WFF forges new paths of action and multi-sector partnerships for agrifood impact at the local, regional and global levels to achieve a more sustainable, resilient, inclusive and hunger-free food future for all.
Video brief of rural reporter Ester Zakaryan on the event is available here: