FAO assistance in Armenia during 2024-2025 will be guided by the Country Programming Framework (CPF) which is centered around two main outcomes. These outcomes are closely aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) 2021-2025, The Strategy of the Main Directions Ensuring Economic Development in Agricultural Sector of the Republic of Armenia for 2020-2030, Food Security System Development Strategy and Action Plan for 2023-2026, the 2030 Agenda, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and FAO’s Strategic Framework 2022-2031.
CPF Outcome 1. People, communities and regions benefit from equitable economic opportunities, decent work and sustainable livelihoods, enabled through competitiveness and inclusive green growth (UNSDCF Outcome 4).
In line with its mandate, FAO will contribute to the strategic interventions geared towards developing national capacities especially for green job creation and resilient rural livelihoods (promoting entrepreneurship, agri-food markets, continuous learning, innovation and digitalization); strengthening food systems, making improving agriculture production and technical services, promoting the increase of self-sufficiency of vital foodstuff, supporting green agribusiness, market integration, strengthening resilience against transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases, enhancing the food safety, trade facilitation and connectivity, value chains, medium and small scale enterprise development and technological innovation. To realize this outcome FAO with its activities will deliver the following two outputs:
CPF Output 1.1. Inclusive and sustainable local development enabled and promoted through development of nutrition-sensitive and green agribusinesses and value chains, leaving no one behind. (People, including marginalized and vulnerable groups, are empowered to build productive capacities and benefit from community development in rural and urban areas ensuring sustainable livelihoods and decent jobs, UNSDCF Output 4.1).
CPF Output 1.2. National and sub-national capacities for developing agri-food systems and enabling digitalization policies and solutions strengthened. (Capacities at national/sub-national levels are strengthened to design and implement policies for inclusive, green and sustainable economic development, UNSDCF Output 4.2).
CPF Outcome 2. Ecosystems are managed sustainably, and people benefit from participatory and resilient development and climate smart solutions (UNSDCF Outcome 5).
In the framework of this Outcome, FAO will contribute to the strategic interventions aimed at strengthening national capacities in policy development and implementation promoting conservation and sustainable management of biodiversity, including forests, land, water, and air. FAO will promote application of the ecosystem-based management approaches, climate-resilient, risk-informed and prevention-oriented development. To support achievement of this outcome FAO will deliver the following two outputs:
CPF Output 2.1. National capacities to apply ecosystem-based approaches and land degradation neutrality enhanced. (Enabling environment is created for environmentally sound management of ecosystems, and mitigated pollutions from waste, chemicals and other sources, UNSDCF Output 5.2).
CPF Output 2.2. Climate resilience policies and adaptation and mitigation measures implemented (Ecosystems and population vulnerability is reduced through increased resilience to climate change and disasters, UNSDCF Output 5.3).