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IYAFA 2022 Regional Launch event | Celebrating small-scale fisheries and aquaculture in the Pacific

Virtual | Apia, 31/03/2022 31/03/2022
The IYAFA 2022 vision to seek a world where small-scale artisanal fishers, fish-farmers and fish workers are fully recognized and empowered to continue their contributions to human well-being, healthy food [...]

AIPAA 2022 | Presentación: Revista AcuiRed – edición n°2

Lima, 31/03/2022 31/03/2022
En el marco de las actividades de celebración del Año Internacional de la Pesca y Acuicultura Artesanal (AIPAA 2022), la Dirección General de Acuicultura del Ministerio de la Producción del [...]

IYAFA 2022 | E-Photobook launch - Celebrating small-scale fisheries and aquaculture in Asia

Virtual | Bangkok, 29/03/2022 30/03/2022
The United Nations General Assembly has declared 2022 as the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture (IYAFA). FAO is the lead agency for celebrating the Year in collaboration with other [...]

SSF Hub Presents: Fisher Voices, IYAFA Webinar Series-Women & Gender in Small-Scale Fisheries

Virtual | Bangkok, 22/03/2022 22/03/2022
Womens’ contributions to small-scale fisheries and aquaculture is frequently overlooked and underrecognized by local and national governments, policy-makers, and community officials. 45 million women participate in small-scale fisheries operations globally, [...]

AIPAA 2022 | Perú: Lanzamiento de los Servicios de Extensionismo Acuícola y de Promoción de la Formalización Acuícola

Lima, 21/03/2022 21/03/2022
La Dirección General de Acuicultura del Ministerio de la Producción del Perú, en el marco del Año Internacional de la Pesca y Acuicultura Artesanal (AIPAA 2022), invita a participar del [...]

IYAFA 2022 | Financing Fisheries in Africa: financial services provision to small-scale fisheries

Kenya, 18/03/2022 18/03/2022
Small-scale fisheries (SSF) make an important contribution to nutrition, food security, rural livelihoods, and poverty alleviation. The importance of SSF is recognized by the United Nations, which declared 2022 the [...]

IYAFA 2022 | Special event on Women and the Changing Tide: breaking the bias - Lessons from Omani small-scale fisheries

Virtual, 18/03/2022 18/03/2022
Every day millions of people harvest fish – by boat, by foot, with nets, with cages, in inland waters and on the ocean. Some of it is for direct consumption [...]

IYAFA 2022 | Blue economy and African artisanal fisheries (EN/FR)

Accra, 17/03/2022 17/03/2022
Fishing is the only sector in the blue economy, along with aquaculture, that produces food. But some sectors are in direct competition and even threaten the future of small-scale fishing. [...]

AIPAA 2022 | Perú: Presentación del Informe Final “Lineamientos y consideraciones para el desarrollo de una Acuicultura Sostenible”

Lima, 14/03/2022 14/03/2022
La Dirección General de Acuicultura del Ministerio de la Producción del Perú, en el marco del Año Internacional de la Pesca y Acuicultura Artesanal (AIPAA 2022), invita a participar del [...]

AIPAA 2022 | México: Conversatorio "La transformación digital en el sector pesquero: la aplicación móvil PescaData"

Guaymas, 11/03/2022 11/03/2022
En el marco de las celebraciones del Año Internacional de la Pesca y la Acuicultura Artesanales 2022 (AIPAA), Comunidad y Biodiversidad, A.C. (COBI) a través de su iniciativa PescaData, les [...]