FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

The FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Far East was first temporarily opened in China in 1947. Through a decision of the FAO governing bodies, in 1948 the office moved to its present location in Bangkok which subsequently became its permanent site in 1953.

One of five FAO regional offices across the world, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific has grown more than fourfold since 1948 and now has 46 member countries. The regional office is headed by an Assistant Director-General who is also the FAO Regional Representative for Asia and the Pacific.

Our offices

The core functions of the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific are:

  • provide perspectives, trend monitoring and assessments
  • capacity building and technical support
  • policy assistance and advice to subregions
  • building partnerships and alliances
  • strengthening information, knowledge and statistics
  • developing international instruments.

As a result, a new organizational structure was implemented which involved building multidisciplinary teams around three core areas:

(a) agrifood systems and value chains (Better Production and Better Nutrition), (b) Climate action, biodiversity and natural resources management (Better Environment), and (c) Inclusive Rural Transformation, Resilient agrifood, and equitable societies (Better Life).


FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

Maliwan Mansion
Phra Atit Road
Bangkok 10200, Thailand

Phone: (+66 2) 697 4000

Fax: (+66 2) 697 4445

E-mail: [email protected]

Our team

Administrative Support

Mar 27, 2024, 15:25 PM
Title : Administrative Support
Open on load : No
  • Dinara Minikeeva, Senior Administrative Officer
  • Dan Locke, Information & Communications Technology Officer
  • Ilhom Muhomediev, International Procurement Officer
  • Jie Wang, Human Resources Officer
  • Sevda Nilsson, Finance Officer (Internal Control)
  • Phavinee Tithipan, National Professional Officer (Administration)
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