FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

FAO is working to provide a comprehensive programme of support for member countries to enhance climate action for agriculture. FAO’s growing portfolio of climate change activities strengthens member-country capacities to plan, implement and report on climate change adaptation and mitigation, and build resilience in the agriculture sector, contributing to the Paris Agreement, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction(DRR) and the 2030 Agenda at large.At the global level, FAO launched its Strategy on Climate Change at the 40th Session of the FAO Conference. The Strategy set three outcomes towards enhanced resilience of food, agriculture systems and dependent livelihoods: enhancing member-country capacities; improving the integration of agriculture and food security into the global climate change agenda; and strengthening FAO’s work on climate change. A revised Action Plan Results Framework for the Strategy was endorsed by the FAO Programme Committee in November 2017 and sets forth output indicators for FAO to support countries with nationally determined contributions (NDC) implementation, enhance access to finance and better integrate agriculture and food security into national climate change and DRR policies, strategies and programmes – among others. FAO also supports countries in the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction: particularly relevant for Asia where most of the disasters are climate-related.

The RI-CC Programmatic Work Areas (PWAs) in 2018-2019 align to the outcomes of the FAO Strategy on Climate Change and include:

  • PWA 1: Enhance capacities of member countries in the Asia and the Pacific region to implement and monitor measures, identified in their NDCs and national policies, to scale up adaptation, enhance resilience and reduce emissions for the agriculture sectors.
  • PWA 2: Improve the integration of food security, agriculture, forestry and fisheries within national and regional implementation of the international climate change and DRR agenda within the framework of the SDGs.
  • PWA 3: Strengthen FAO regional leadership in climate-smart agriculture and related resilience building technologies and practices, knowledge sharing and partnership building, including mechanisms for management of climate-induced crisis risk.