ABDC-10 takes places over a four day period. For the first three days, the conference programme comprises plenary sessions in the morning followed by parallel sessions (that are sector-specific, regional or dealing with cross-cutting issues) in the afternoon and a 'Knowledge Share Fair' (with information booths, videos, posters, etc.) in the evening. The parallel sessions are organized in collaboration with a wide range of UN and non-UN partner organizations. The fourth and final day of the conference comprises plenary sessions only and is dedicated to the issue of moving beyond ‘business as usual’, with discussions on options for developing countries and on Priorities for Action for the international community.
More information about the Knowledge Share Fair, including the application form for ABDC-10 participants who wish to present at the Fair, is available here.
A document prepared for the media with question and answers about ABDC-10 and agricultural biotechnologies is available here.
The detailed conference programme, including speakers and abstracts and descriptions of the different sessions, is available below (last updated 26 February), for:
1 March 2010
2 March 2010
3 March 2010
4 March 2010
All four days, 1-4 March 2010