Agricultural Biotechnologies
Agricultural Biotechnologies in crops, forestry, livestock, fisheries and agro-industry  Biotech-banner

The items focus on conferences, workshops, training courses and other events organised by FAO, other UN agencies/bodies and the 15 CGIAR research centres. The events cover all food and agricultural sectors (crops, forestry, fisheries/aquaculture, livestock, agro-industry) and a wide range of biotechnologies (e.g. use of molecular markers, artificial insemination, triploidisation, biofertilisers, micropropagation, genomics, genetic modification etc.). The news and event items on this website are also disseminated through an e-mail newsletter called FAO-BiotechNews that is published in six different versions, one per language i.e. Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish. To subscribe, send a message to [email protected] indicating which e-mail addresses are to be subscribed and in which language they wish to receive the newsletter.



Organized by the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, this online Forum includes two discussion groups. The first takes place on 4-10 June 2012, focusing on "The meaning, scope and importance of public access to biosafety information". The second considers "Facilitating public access to biosafety information" and takes place on 11-18 June 2012. Individuals involved in, or responsible for, promoting public awareness, education and participation at the national level are welcome to participate in the Forum.


Organized by the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) and Cornell University, this training course is designed to open young scientists and potential young scientists (21-35 years old) to the challenges and opportunities of rice science to meet the global challenges of rice food security and to improve the livelihoods of resource poor rice producers. It provides, inter alia, hands-on skills relating to rice breeding, molecular genetics and genomics.

Metro Manila, Philippines

The broad objective of this workshop, organised by the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) in collaboration with the Italian Ministry for Environment, for the Protection of the Territory and for the Sea, is to provide experience in the examination of scientific and technical data submitted in applications for the deliberate release of genetically modified plants. A limited number of grants are available to nationals of ICGEB Member States. Deadline for applications is 24 November.

Trieste, Italy

This international conference aims to review the rate of progress in the field of FMD vaccines and vaccination programmes, diagnostics, and the science of progressive control (risk management decision making and programme optimization), and to identify priorities for investment in science that would have greatest impact for regional and perhaps global control efforts, which would be presented at the FAO/OIE Global Conference on FMD Control in Bangkok, Thailand on 27-29 June 2012. The conference is jointly organised by FAO and the Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR), under the broad umbrella of the FAO/OIE Global Framework for the Progressive Control of Transboundary Diseases.

New Delhi, India
Organised by the National Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (NIGEB) on behalf of the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, the emphasis of this workshop is to discuss the ethical aspects of biosafety in discussion panels and, at the end, to develop a protocol on bioethical aspects of biosafety.
Tehran. Iran
Organised by the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB), in collaboration with the Italian Ministry for Environment, for the Protection of the Territory and the Sea, the broad objective of this workshop is to provide experience in the examination of scientific and technical data submitted in applications for the deliberate release of genetically modified plants.
Trieste. Italy
The initiative was established to provide support in the coordination of research efforts in molecular genetics, genomics and genetic analysis generally in the Triticeae. This annual workshop, organised by the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), will present recent advances, including structural and functional genomics mapping and cloning, molecular breeding, wheat genetic resources, bioinformatics and new technologies for cereal crops.
Mexico City. Mexico
Organised by the Argentine Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (SAGyP), International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB), United Nations University Biotechnology Programme for Latin America and the Caribbean (UNU-BIOLAC) and International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI Argentina), this workshop is intended primarily for professionals working in regulatory agencies, researchers working on animal biotechnology and experts in the field of biosafety research. Its main objectives are disseminating information, enhancing cooperation and providing capacity building. The workshop is conducted in English.
Buenos Aires. Argentina
A practical course organized by the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology. Participants must have a basic working knowledge of biochemistry and molecular biology, a basic familiarity with computer uses and a need for DNA or protein sequence analysis for their ongoing research. The course is limited to 30 participants and deadline for applications is 27 January 2011.
Trieste. Italy
The World Bank Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Global Expert Team and the Agriculture and Rural Development Sector is hosting this book launch and lecture by Calestous Juma, which is also webstreamed.
Washington, DC. United States of America
Organized by the Atomic Energy Commission of Syria, on behalf of the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, this practical and theoretical course is limited to 15 participants who should have a basic working knowledge in applied molecular microbiology and should be directly involved in research covered by the course. Deadline for applications is 31 December 2010.
Damascus. Syria
The programme for this 7th Latin American and Caribbean Meeting on Agricultural Biotechnology consists of 6 plenary sessions and 16 symposia, covering a wide range of topics such as emerging technologies, biodiversity, bioenergy and biofuels, biotechnology in animals, forestry and tropical fruits. REDBIO is the Technical Co-operation Network on Agricultural Biotechnology in Latin America and the Caribbean, and this major meeting is held every three years.
Guadalajara. Mexico
Organised by the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA), in cooperation with the Dry Grain Pulses Collaborative Research Support Programme, Purdue University and the Institut Senegalais de Recherches Agricoles, the conference will cover a wide number of topics ranging from cowpea genetic improvement and use of molecular tools, to human nutrition and processing and enterprise development.
Dakar. Senegal
Sponsored, among others, by FAO, the United Nations Development Programme and the United Nations Environment Program, one of its main topics is date palm research and development, covering molecular and genetic engineering; germplasm and propagation; and improved date palm cultural practices.
Abu Dhabi. United Arab Emirates
Held roughly every five years since 1985 by the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), the symposium will showcase the latest developments in the field, including research on breeding, mapping of genes and quantitative trait loci, identification and cloning of candidate genes for biotic and abiotic stresses, gene expression, and genomic databases and mutant induction for functional genomics. It will be held in conjunction with the 7th International Symposium on Rice Functional Genomics.
Manila. Philippines
Organised by the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, in collaboration with the Italian Ministry for Environment, for the Protection of the Territory and the Sea, this workshop aims to provide participants with experience in the examination of scientific data submitted in environmental risk assessment reports. Deadline for applications is 27 May.
Ca Tron di Roncade. Italy
Supported, among others, by FAO, its objective is to serve as a platform for presenting and debating key issues and strategies relevant for increasing the yield and stability of crops under drought conditions by genetic and crop management approaches. The eight sessions in the preliminary programme include molecular and physiological bases of plant adaptation to drought (session 4) and applied genomics and genetics of drought resistance (session 5).
Shanghai. China
Organised by FAO, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV), International Seed Federation (ISF) and International Seed Testing Association (ISTA), the conference comprises a two-day Expert Forum, followed by a one-day Policy Forum. The Expert Forum, which takes place in English, aims to provide information and facilitate discussion on means of encouraging the development of new plant varieties and the production and distribution of high quality seed in order to meet the demands of a changing world. Among the many issues to be explored here, there is one on the role of new technologies and methodologies in plant breeding. The Policy Forum, which has simultaneous interpretation in Arabic, Chinese, English, French and Spanish, reviews the conclusions of the Expert Forum on means to provide an enabling environment that encourages the development of new varieties and facilitates the production and distribution of high quality seed.
Rome. Italy
A training course, organised by the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), for breeders and agronomists working on variety development or testing in the public and private sectors. Among other things, it also provides theoretical background on modern breeding methods and techniques including use of biotechnology.
Los Banos. Philippines
Organised by the World Agroforestry Centre, and co-sponsored by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the University of Florida, the congress theme is Agroforestry - The future of global land use. Plenary, symposia, concurrent sessions and poster sessions will be organized around different major topics. The tentative list of technical sessions includes one on `integrating genomics in agroforestry`.
Nairobi. Kenya
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