Open Data

Wednesday 4 December 2013, 13:00-14:30, Iran Room

About the event: The Side Event will provide perspectives from FAO and members on promoting and providing Open Data, and in capacity development.

Purpose: The side-event will provide a forum for discussion on the nature and value of “Open Data” in support of agricultural development and food security, which has received much attention in international arenas such as the work on the Post-2015 development goals. “Open Data” relates to making all forms of information and data available, accessible, and usable without restriction worldwide. The side-event will provide perspectives on FAO’s role in promoting and providing Open Data in the form of global public goods, and in the work the Organization does to develop capacities of members and partners to provide Open Data themselves. The side event would include statements from UK and USA, major promoters of this topic, describing examples of enabling policies in this area, and introducing an initiative on Global Open Data in Agriculture and Nutrition (GODAN) which was launched at the recent Summit of the Open Government Partnership.

Refreshments will be available outside the Iran room from 12:30 onwards.

Responsible office: 



English, French, Spanish


  1. Background on Open Data: definitions and benefits – Marcela Villarreal, Director Office of Partnership, Advocacy and Capacity Development
  2. Harmonization and Reliability: the need for policies, data standards and data exchange/interoperability – Pietro Gennari, Director, Statistics Division
  3. FAO involvement and contribution to Open Data initiatives: a proposal for plant genetic resources – Ren Wang, Assistant Director General, Agriculture and Consumer Protection Department
  4. US Government perspective on Open Data and the Global Open Data in Agriculture and Nutrition (GODAN) initiative - Catherine E. Woteki, Ph.D., Chief Scientist and Under Secretary, United States Department of Agriculture
  5. UK Government perspective on Open Data and the GODAN initiative - Alan Tollervey, Head Agriculture Team, Research and Evidence Division, Department for International Development, United Kingdom

Twitter hashtag:

#e_agriculture; #CL148

Additional Information