SO1: Contribute to the Eradication of Hunger, Food Insecurity and Malnutrition

Tuesday 24 March, 12:30-13:30, Iran Room

SO1: Help Eliminate Hunger, Food Insecurity and Malnutrition


About the event: The side-event will illustrate how FAO through the Strategic Objective 1 is creating greater coherence and is improving the impact of the Organization’s work at country, regional and global levels towards the eradication of hunger. In particular, the side event will demonstrate how the Zero Hunger Regional Initiatives in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, and Latin America and the Caribbean provide a mechanism for FAO to bundle its human and financial resources to support work at regional and country levels. And it will show how its global work through the CFS can create a framework for action at country level.

Purpose: The overall purpose of the side-event is to showcase with concrete country examples how better policies, increased investment, improved governance and stakeholder coordination, and evidence-based decision-making are key ingredients for hunger eradication and how, by tackling these areas simultaneously, the right conditions are created for effective work against food insecurity and malnutrition.

Responsible office:

Kostas Stamoulis (ESA Director and SO1 Coordinator)


English, French and Spanish


Brief Presentation by SO coordinator and three presentations by the Country representatives. The presentation and designed around a set of on Key questions.



Other Information:

Twitter hashtag:

#CL151; #UNFAOResults; #zerohunger

Additional Information