HLPE-FSN statement: supporting scientific independence and transparency


The High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE-FSN) firmly reaffirms its unwavering commitment to scientific independence and transparency.

Recent news reports, covered by various media outlets across multiple countries, highlight derogatory profiles of independent experts, including personal information, hosted on a private portal for pesticide industry affiliates. These actions are deeply concerning, as they seek to undermine the essential work of experts and scientists.

Rather than engaging with the scientific evidence presented and focusing efforts on improving food security and nutrition and protecting the environment, these attacks attempt to discredit the individuals behind the research, which is unacceptable. Such actions distract from the reality of the issues at hand and attempt to weaken the efforts to address urgent global challenges like food insecurity and environmental damage.

The HLPE-FSN stands in solidarity with all researchers who face personal attacks because of their work, particularly in areas critical to human rights. These attempts to undermine science compromise the pursuit of unbiased, evidence-based solutions that are vital to helping the world’s most vulnerable populations.

We remain dedicated to promoting transparent, science-based solutions for food security and nutrition and will continue to advocate for the independence and protection of experts who contribute to this important mission.


The HLPE-FSN statement follows the release of an investigative report on 27 September 2024 by several international media outlets. To know more: