HLPE-FSN reports
The Steering Committee (StC) of the High Level Panel of Experts (HLPE-FSN) of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) is to be renewed in 2023, for a 2-year term starting at the closure of the CFS’s ordinary Plenary session in October 2023 and ending at the closure of the ordinary Plenary session in October 2025.
The letter from the Chairperson of the CFS, Ambassador Gabriel Ferrero y de Loma-Osorio, calling for nominations, is available to download here [EN, FR, ES].
The nomination procedure is entirely web-based via the online application form. The call is open from 19 December 2022 to 5 March 2023, 24.00 GMT (DEADLINE EXTENDED).
Nominating parties are requested to ensure that the experts they nominate are effectively ready to serve as Steering Committee members, should they happen to be appointed by the CFS Bureau at the end of the procedure. The list of nominees shall remain confidential and will not be disclosed by the Secretariat, to the exception of the five members of the Ad Hoc Technical Selection Committee (AHTSC).
The HLPE-FSN Steering Committee members participate in their individual capacities and not as representatives of any institution. They are appointed for a term of office of two years, renewable consecutively only once.
Ideal candidates are reputable, internationally-recognized experts on food security and nutrition-related fields, to reflect an assortment of technical disciplines, balance of regional expertise as well as consideration of gender representation, and have relevant experience working with cross-disciplinary expert processes. They should be experienced professionals, holding an advanced university degree, proven record of publications and/or solid background in field/research project management in the area of food security and nutrition. Most importantly they should have strong experience in managing groups or networks of experts, extensive communication and inter-personal skills, leadership skills, and, drawing from their international recognition by peers, the capacity to attract and draw expert networks.
During their mandate, Steering Committee members are expected to dedicate a substantial amount of their time to the HLPE-FSN. Actual time-requirements will depend on the capacities of experts and by the circumstances, as well as on the work program of the HLPE-FSN as requested by the CFS. Time dedication is expected not to be lower than 20 days per year, travel included. This figure doubles at least for the Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson of the Steering Committee. Their travel-related expenses to attend Steering Committee meetings will be borne by the CFS/HLPE-FSN Secretariat. Steering Committee members are not otherwise compensated for their work.
Details about the roles and functions of the HLPE-FSN and of its Steering Committee, and about their working procedures, are detailed in the following documents, which nominating entities are invited to consult:
The first meeting of the 7th HLPE-FSN Steering Committee will take place in Rome in November 2023. All Steering Committee members will be requested to attend.
The experts are appointed by the Bureau of the CFS, following a proposal by an ad hoc technical selection committee comprised of members of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the World Food Programme (WFP), CGIAR and the Civil Society and Indigenous Peoples’ Mechanism for relations with the United Nations Committee on World Food Security (CSIPM).
Current Steering Committee members eligible for reappointment can apply directly. Their candidatures will be considered by the Ad Hoc Technical Selection Committee, together with the other applications.
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Internal procedures for the work of the HLPE-FSN