Framework for Action for Food Security and Nutrition in Protracted Crises: Leaving No One Behind

19 September 2016 - 9.00 - 17.30 | UN Office in Nairobi, Kenya

Eliminating hunger and malnutrition in protracted crises requires special attention and actions which differ from short-term term crises or non-crises development contexts. In response to this and the increasing number of protracted crises worldwide, the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) developed the Framework for Action for Food Security and Nutrition in Protracted Crises (CFS-FFA), with strong technical support from the Rome-based agencies (RBAs) FAO, IFAD and WFP.

The CFS-FFA can make a profound difference in global efforts to promote a Zero Hunger World as it outlines a comprehensive approach to improve the food security and nutrition of populations affected by, or at risk of, protracted crises. It defines internationally agreed standards that are expected to be met and can be referenced in gaining support for food security and nutrition programmes, projects, strategies etc.

As a kick-off event to initiate operationalization efforts at country level, CFS and the RBAs are organizing this outreach event with financial support from the European Union. The event will be in English only. 

Draft Agenda

Moderator: Dr. Edith Kareko- Munene

Opening and Scene Setting


Objectives of the event, expected results and the agenda (Moderator)


Why CFS developed the CFS-FFA (CFS Open Ended Working Group Co-Chair Ambassador J. W. Gaita)


Donor perspective (Lourdes Magana de Larriva, EU Delegation in Rome)

Introduction to the CFS-FFA


Introduction to the CFS-FFA and its 11 Principles (Paul Howe, Chief of Emergencies and Transitions Unit, WFP)

Discussion and Q & A


Coffee break

Challenges and Opportunities in Operationalizing the CFS-FFA


Country representatives from the six countries, followed by civil society and private sector participants, will provide perspectives on the CFS-FFA and give practical examples of how it addresses important issues, including the foreseen opportunities and challenges.

This will be an interactive session involving discussion with all stakeholders.



Recommendations for Operationalizing the CFS-FFA


Moderator will recap key messages from the morning session

Participants will discuss solutions to the key challenges identified in the morning session, and ways to capitalize on opportunities. They will then identify key action points and recommendations.

A coffee break will be taken during this session.

The Way Forward


The moderator will summarize key elements of the discussions and participants will agree on next steps. The moderator will then wrap up the session.