The final draft of the Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems is a result of the negotiations held over the weeks of 19-24 May and 4-8 August 2014.
The negotiation of the Principles for Responsible Investment Agriculture and Food Systems is scheduled for the week of 4-8 August 2014.
Chair’s Letter with Information on Negotiation
CFS RAI Principles Background for Negotiation (in original language only)
The First Draft of the CFS-RAI Principals has been developed in line with the Terms of Reference. It is a result of the feedback received during the regional and global consultations undertaken from September 2013 – March 2014, on what should be added, changed, and improved based on the Zero Draft.
The First Draft will serve as the basis for negotiation, scheduled for the week of 19-23 May 2014. A preliminary presentation and in-depth discussion of the First Draft will be held 29 April 2014.
The CFS Secretariat is coordinating consultations to take place from November 2013 - February 2014, including regional consultations and a global e-consultation.
CFS online discussion on the Principles for Responsible Agricultural Investments, 13 January – 20 February 2014
Feedback received through the consultation process will be addressed to formulate a First Draft which will subsequently be negotiated by the Open Ended Working Group and presented to the 41st session of the CFS in 2014 for endorsement by Plenary.
CFS-RAI Consultation Timetable - UPDATED 23 Jan 2014
Chair’s Summary - Regional Consultation for Africa, Johannesburg, 28-29 November 2013 (with Annexes)
Chair’s Summary - Regional Consultation for Europe and Central Asia, Rome, Italy, 9-10 December 2013 (with Annexes)
Chair’s Summary – Regional Consultation for North America, Ottawa and Washington D.C., 14 January 2014 (with Annexes)
Chair's Summary - Regional Consultation for Latin America and the Caribbean, Panama City February 17th and 18th 2014 (with Annexes)
Chair’s Summary – Regional Consultation for Asia and the Pacific, Pattaya, Thailand, 3-4 March 2014 (with Annexes)
Compiled Feedback from the Near East Region
The Zero Draft has been developed based on the Terms of Reference endorsed by the CFS Plenary in October 2012. It reflects all major issues discussed during earlier deliberations of the Open Ended Working Group (OEWG). The purpose of the Zero Draft is to serve as a basis for discussion and feedback ahead of the series of regional consultations and outreach events.
Regional Consultation Concept Note
Terms of Reference
Chair’s Summary with OEWG 23-24 September Meeting
Annex 1 Chair's Summary 23 & 24 Sep: Breakout Groups
The inclusive consultative process launched in 2012 with the establishment of the OEWG continued during the inter-sessional period through a number of technical and outreach activities, in order to arrive at an agreement on the Zero Draft for consultation.
CFS approved an inclusive consultation process to develop and ensure broad ownership of principles for responsible agricultural investments. The expected outcome is a set of principles to promote investments in agriculture that contribute to food security and nutrition and to support the progressive realization of the right to adequate food in the context of national food security.
Voluntary Guidelines on the Progressive Realization to the Right to Adequate Food
In original language