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Honourable Ministers, Ambassadors,
Thank you for inviting the Chairperson of the Committee on World Food Security that brings together 137 Member Countries, the UN System and IFIs, civil society, the private sector and academia for global policy coordination and convergence to achieve food and nutrition security.
We meet in a moment of unprecedented global distress with the world facing a multi-dimensional food crisis that we may not have seen in decades.
We are heartened by the strong demonstration of initiatives to act that we have seen over the past months. However, acting may not be enough.
We must act together, ensuring that all our actions and initiatives converge in support of regional and country-led solutions.
The world needs one plan.
This is why, joining forces with the President of the General Assembly of the United Nations and with the UN Secretary-General, the Committee jointly convened a high-level Special Event, on July 18 in New York, entitled precisely “Time to Act Together: Coordinating Policy Responses to the Global Food Crisis”, continued at the CFS last plenary session held in Rome in October,
We see consensus emerging around SIX policy priorities, combining a two-fold approach: urgent action and long-term transformation.
First, urgently stabilize markets and commodity prices, minimize speculative behavior, and avoid unnecessary trade restrictions.
Second, boost local production and consumption of more diverse food varieties, with a clear focus on supporting and protecting smallholder and family farmers’ livelihoods, who produce the 80% of the food the world eats, cooperatives and SMEs, reducing food loss and waste.
Third, do all in our hands –ALL NEEDED- to secure the availability and affordability of fertilizers, prioritizing access by smallholders and family farmers, boosting efficiency.
Fourth, reinforce the social protection systems, including through well-proven nutrition-focused systems such as school meals or cash transfers.
Fifth, step up humanitarian capacity, securing that the WFP and the humanitarian system can cope with the spiking needs.
Sixth and last, equip countries with the financial resources, fiscal space and funds to support and protect their people, while speeding up the transition to more resilient and sustainable food systems.
This crisis is not just one more crisis. It is the third one we witness in 10 years.
Responding to the current food crisis implies accelerating food systems transformation, not setting it aside. We must build long-term resilience for global food systems as we address the current crisis.
Thank you.