Committee on World Food Security

Making a difference in food security and nutrition

Food Systems and Nutrition - Regional Consultations

CFS Regional Consultations on Food Systems and Nutrition

The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) at its 45th Session in 2018 endorsed a policy process which is expected to result in Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition. The preparation of the Voluntary Guidelines is informed by the scientific evidence provided by the High-Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE) Report on Nutrition and Food Systems.

To ensure a wide and inclusive process, the CFS Secretariat is planning a series of regional consultations to be held between July and October 2019, and funded with the generous support of the Federal Republic of Germany.

The objective of the regional consultations is to receive feedback and inputs on the Zero Draft of the Voluntary Guidelines from a broad range of stakeholders in order to improve the existing draft and foster awareness and broad ownership among key parties and all CFS stakeholders.

Chair's Summary: Africa, Asia, Europe, Near East, Latin America and the Caribbean, and North America

Background documents for all the regional consultations

The Agenda of the regional consultation is available at the following links:

English | French | Spanish | Arabic | Chinese | Russian

a) Zero Draft of the Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition

English | French | Spanish | Arabic | Chinese | Russian

b) HLPE Report on Nutrition and Food Systems, launched in October 2017

English | French | Spanish | Arabic | Chinese | Russian


c) Terms of Reference for the preparation of the CFS Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition, endorsed at CFS 45 in October 2018

English | French | Spanish | Arabic | Chinese | Russian


Dates, locations and logistical information

  • CFS Regional Consultation for Africa – Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), 16-17 July 2019
  • CFS Regional Consultation for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok (Thailand), 25-26 July 2019
  • CFS Regional Consultation for Europe, Budapest (Hungary), 17-18 September 2019 
  • CFS Regional Consultation for Near East, Cairo (Egypt), 25-26 September 2019
  • CFS Regional Consultation for Latin America and the Caribbean, Panama City (Panama), 28-29 October 2019 
  • CFS Regional Consultation for North America, Washington DC (United States), 14-15 November 2019

Logistical information on the venues will be provided in due course.