Climate change knowledge hub

This webinar collection aims to clarify decision-making processes around climate change and agriculture for young people. It aims to empower youth and build their capacity to influence decision-making related to the UNFCCC, COP, and SB58

These webinars are organized with the Children and Youth constituency of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (YOUNGO), IAAS - International Association of Students in Agricultural and Related Sciences, YPARD - Young Professionals in Agriculture for Rural Development, and in collaboration with the World Food Forum. 

Overview of agriculture-related discussions at COP27

Jun 9, 2023, 12:43 PM
Title : Overview of agriculture-related discussions at COP27
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COP27 Presidency initiatives: engagement for Youth in Agriculture

This webinar provides information on youth engagement in agriculture in COP27 Presidency Initiatives.

Youth for Agriculture in UNFCCC and COP

This webinar helps youth in the agriculture sector better understand UNFCCC and COP processes.

What youth in agriculture need to get to COP27?

This webinar walks youth through a timeline building up to COP and at COP to understand how they prepare themselves.