Climate-Smart Agriculture


Overview and Key messages 
6.1 Genetic resources for food and agriculture 
6.2 Genetic resources for food and agriculture: a prerequisite for climate-smart agriculture 
6.3 Concluding remarks

This publication was commissioned under the auspices of the project “FAO technical support to the COMESA-EAC-SADC program on climate change adaptation and mitigation in Eastern and Southern Africa (OSRO/RAF/307/COM)”. The study goal was to consult with stakeholders, including government departments, the private sector, civil society organizations, development partners, research institutions and NGOs involved in current and past climate-smart agriculture initiatives in the Eastern Africa (EA) sub-region, to map, review, analyse and synthesize major past and current CSA initiatives, in order to document the key stakeholders involved, the policies in place and the constraints, challenges, opportunities and enabling factors to adoption of climate-smart agriculture practices and technologies in the subregion.

The evidence is clear: to change behaviour ‘environmental education’ needs to change its focus – with less emphasis on knowledge and raising awareness (although still needed) and more on competency, action skills and problem solving (Marcinkowski, 2010). This report reviews the evidence base to establish which educational methods are proven to have an impact on behavior. The research is summarized and evaluated to develop a set of recommendations on how to better focus educational activities for maximum impact on individuals, local communities and the wider world. The challenge for educators now is to turn this evidence into reality; to develop and deliver educational resources and experiences that trigger long-term behavior change.

This Manual is a guide to compiling statistics related to GHG emissions and removals. It is aimed at staff of national statistical offices and environmental ministries and agencies. It provides information on accessing and using the FAOSTAT Emissions database andl sets out a step-by-step approach to estimating GHG emissions with the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National GHG Emission Inventories.

This circular examines current and recent climate change adaptation activities and measures in the fisheries and aquaculture sectors. These examples are a selection of current and recent activities and provide an overview of the types of adaptation activities and programmes that are addressing fisheries and aquaculture sectors rather than a comprehensive review of adaptation activities addressing fisheries and/or aquaculture. Some of the highlighted activities are specifically targeted at addressing climate change impacts on the fisheries or aquaculture sectors, and others address related areas (e.g. coastal management and capacity building activities) that also have benefits for fisheries or aquaculture. An overview of climate change impacts on global fisheries and aquaculture and potential adaptation and mitigation strategies is provided in addition to specific examples.