Flag France


Farming France

In 2019, France had approximately 430 000 farms.  824 000 people lives and works on farms in France. One...

Agricultural innovation
Innovations for agro-ecological transition

France promotes the agro-ecological transition of its farms.  Activities related to the energy and ecological transition...

Agricultural research and education

Agricultural training is a key component in public agricultural policy. It is typified by a...

Product highlights

Products with quality and origin labels reflect the extraordinary variety of French food heritage produced according to demanding quality standards and using expertise passed down through the generations.

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France has more cheeses than there are days in the year. Of these, 54 have...
France is the leading global exporter of wine value. Its wine production, totalling nearly 50...
Metropolitan France and its overseas territories have an extremely varied fruit-growing and orchard sector with...

Institutional websites

French National Research Institute
Chambres d'agriculture France

The information in the FAO Country Showcase digital platform (“Country Showcase”) is provided by institutional national sources “as is” and for the convenience of users for general information purposes only. FAO shall not be considered responsible for, and does not make any warranties or representations of any kind as to, the accuracy, reliability, suitability, availability or completeness of any such information, nor for any use of such information by users for any purpose. [more]