Coordinating Working Party on Fishery Statistics (CWP)
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 Gross value of production The gross value of the production is normally collected together with production quantity statistics and the value is optimally collected at the farm-gate level (IMF 2014), that is, the value per unit (price) of the product at... More
 Employment Employment in fisheries should be collected in sex-disaggregated form. A further note should be made that the term fisher (refer also ILO, 2012) should not only include those operating from fishing vessels but also those fishers operating land-based fishing gears... More
 Fishery production additional variables The additional variables allow for the calculation of total revenue and total costs for the aquaculture operations. This allows derivation of the economic profitability of the aquaculture sector which is judged from information on the net revenue... More
 Total revenue Total revenue is composed of several variables. Gross sales of the aquaculture production part of the core variables (refer above). Direct subsidies - including direct payments; excluding social benefit payments and indirect subsidies e.g. reduced duty on inputs... More
 Total costs Total costs is composed of several variables. Cost data can be obtained from the financial records of the aquaculture operation or enterprises and these data are mostly difficult to obtain. Even when such data are available, they are... More
 Capital value Capital value includes two key components: the value of physical capital (depreciation or historical value) and the non-tangible assets. More
 Remuneration Remuneration provides an important and clear estimation of the contribution to livelihood gained from employment in the sector. The total remuneration includes social security costs for all employees including the owner. This is often the same value as that... More
 International Monetary Fund (IMF). 2004. Producer Price Index Manual: Theory and Practice. 688 pp. (also available at Sabatella, E.C. 2016. Methodologies for the socio-economic data described in EU MAP. Ad hoc contract Commitment No. SI2 725 694. Ref. Ares (2016)2440332... More
 European Union. EU Aquaculture sector EU-MAP variables. [Cited 1 November 2020]. More
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