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How fresh raw milk is delivered, collected, tested and processed at the Mulukanoor Women's Cooperative Dairy in Telangana, India.
The dairy sector and sustainability.
Genoveva y Ubaldo son productores de leche que transforman su producto en quesos para darle un valor agregado. Ahora están compartiendo su experiencia con otros productores de las comunidades vecinas...
FAO and EU in Syria created new livelihood approach for rural families. Two milk-processing units in Homs and Hama governorates were established to produce quality milk and cheese. The units...
In Kazakhstan, approximately 2 million families earn a living in the dairy sector. 80 percent of all milk in Kazakhstan comes from smallholder farmers, who own 4 or fewer cows....
Increasing the productivity of smallholder dairy farmers in the dry zone of Sri Lanka. FAO with funding from the European Union and in partnership with the Government of Sri Lanka implemented...
The two women in this story are among 8,000 Afghan milk farmers, mostly women, who were introduced to the business through the dairy cooperative movement. Founded by FAO in 2002,...
Renu leads a successful dairy cooperative with 30 other women which she began after completing a mentoring programme for rural leaders and learning about public support schemes for farmers. In...
Georgia’s dairy industry can benefit from specific technical know-how to produce safe and high quality milk. FAO and the EBRD have been supporting Georgia’s leading dairy farmers to modernize their...
This knowledge product was developed to mitigate the effect of increased food standards on smallholders. Special attention was given to hygienic aspects of milking and sources of stress that have...
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