Bilateral meeting with the Foreign Secretary of Bangladesh - H.E. Masud Bin Momen

Rome - The FAO Director-General, QU Dongyu, had a bilateral meeting with His Excellency Masud Bin Momen, Foreign Secretary of Bangladesh.
The Director-General welcomed the Foreign Secretary and provided an overview of the main changes her had introduced in FAO over the past four years since taking office. The Director-General also conveyed his appreciation to Bangladesh for hosting the first in-person and virtual FAO Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific since the pandemic and praised the country for the excellent organization. The Director-General saluted the Prime Minister’s leadership and congratulated the achievements that Bangladesh has made in the past years to address the COVID-19 situation in the country, with an emphasis on food security issues.
The Foreign Secretary highlighted the main achievements that Bangladesh has made over the past years in poverty alleviation, economy growth, and productivity enhancement. He expressed the willingness to strengthen cooperation with FAO, especially through FAO’s South-South and Triangular Cooperation platform.
The two agreed to work together to support Bangladesh to transform its agrifood systems to be more efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable.