Bilateral meeting with the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands - Liesje Schreinemacher

Rome - Today the FAO Director-General, QU Dongyu, met at FAO headquarters in Rome with H.E. Liesje Schreinemacher, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
The Director-General thanked the Minister for the long-term and innovative support of the Netherlands to FAO.
The Minister commended FAO for its important work related to food security, and underlined this is a priority topic for the Netherlands.
The Director-General recalled the renewal last year of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Wageningen University and Research (WUR), and how to best leverage the knowledge of WUR as a hub. He recalled the long history of sharing knowledge and harnessing science and innovation for agrifood systems transformation. FAO and WUR signed a renewed collaboration in 2022 that started in the 1970s.
The pair discussed innovative ways to expand on the knowledge sharing of the Netherland in different areas like agrifood systems transformation, water management and multi-stakeholder partnerships with FAO members, through for example capacity building, research and extension and trainings courses, and how to best amplify the impact as well as strengthening the science policy interface.
The pair also discussed the collaboration in water management and digital agriculture, recalling the successful collaboration in the UN 2023 Water Conference, the ongoing activities of the Water Productivity Open-access portal – WaPOR, supported by the Dutch Government, that monitors land and water productivity through remote sensing, and continued collaboration through the Rome Water Dialogue.