Bilateral meeting with the President of Peru – H.E. Dina Ercilia Boluarte Zegarra

Rome – Today the FAO Director-General, QU Dongyu, the President of Peru, H.E. Dina Ercilia Boluarte Zegarra, at FAO headquarters in Rome.
The President showed her appreciation to the Director-General for the technical assistance provided by FAO to Peruvian government and farmers. She noted that it is crucial not only that farmers can learn best practices and new technologies, but also that the knowledge gained is consolidated over time for the benefit of other farmers and new generations.
The Director-General thanked the President for the visit to FAO and highlighted that Peru can contribute enormously to the world with its vast biodiversity and food diversity as well as its history and traditional knowledge, particularly through South-South cooperation.
The pair stressed the rich diversity of the potato production in Peru and discussed ways to improve the productivity and income of farmers also in relation to other products, such as strawberries.
The Director-General noted that, through the Hand-in-Hand Initiative and its Geospatial Platform, FAO can help the government of Peru find ways to improve and increase production with the objective of transforming agrifood system, making them more efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable.