Boosting Seychelles’ food security and achieving sustainable development
29 August 2019, Yokohama – FAO Director General, Qu Dongyu and Seychelles President Danny Faure discussed boosting food security and achieving sustainable development in the region when they met today on the sidelines of the TICAD7, in Yokohama.
President Faure stressed that like many other Small Island Developing States economies, his country was relying heavily on large quantities of exports to meet its needs, putting pressure on small-scale farming production. He welcomed FAO’s expertise in providing thorough analytical studies on the impact of imports which help his country take better-informed decisions.
Pledging FAO’s continuous support for Small Island Developing States in general, Qu said that the UN agency will continue offering policy guidance, analysis and technical assistance to overcome the African archipelago’s challenges.
Qu also proposed to set up a task force to support Seychelles in designing a national agricultural development plan to boost the country’s economy through environmental friendly and labour-intensive agri-business industries.