Director-General meets Chilean Vice President and several Ministers to discuss ways of strengthening collaboration

Santiago de Chile – The FAO Director-General, Qu Dongyu, concluded his trip to Latin America and the Caribbean region with a one-day visit to Chile, where he was received by the acting Vice President and Minister for the Interior and Public Security, Iskia Siches, and other Chilean State Ministers.
The acting Vice President highlighted that the new Chilean government would very much like to strengthen the longstanding collaboration between Chile and FAO. In particular, she asked for the Organization’s support, within its areas of work and mandate, to contribute to the design of a strategy addressing the longstanding internal conflict over the Indigenous Mapuche lands in the Araucania Region.
The Director-General, in turn, expressed his appreciation for the Chilean’s support to FAO’s work, especially by hosting the Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean. Qu stressed that FAO’s main objectives are to support Members to transform agrifood systems and promote rural development to achieve the Four Betters – better production, better nutrition, a better environment and a better life, leaving no one behind.
The Director-General also highlighted that FAO is not only focused on the Sustainable Development Goals 1 (No poverty) and 2 (No hunger) but also 10 (Reduced inequalities). In this context, FAO has profound experiences in providing technical assistance to address difficulties and crises worldwide within its mandate.
Qu also met the Minister for Economy, Development and Tourism, Nicolás Grau; the Minister for Environment, Maisa Rojas; the Minister for Social Development and Family, Jeanette Vega, and the Minister for Agriculture, Esteban Valenzuela.
Climate change was a predominant subject along the discussions, with the Chilean Ministers noting the importance of preserving the environment and natural resources as well as promoting resilience to the impacts of the climate crisis, such as the increasing water scarcity. Issues related to food loss and waste, nutrition, gender and youth were also highlighted. The Minister of Agriculture mentioned the government’s intention to invest more in livestock and cereals production, while producing more with less inputs.
The Director-General stressed that innovation and digitalization can greatly contribute to the development of a green and resilient agriculture in Chile. He also mentioned that the development of two new FAO thematic strategies – the Climate Change Strategy and the Science and Innovation Strategy – will guide the work of the Organization to better support Members in these areas.
He suggested the Chilean authorities to make use of the organization’s various initiatives under FAO Strategic Framework 2022-31, such as the Hand in Hand Initiative and the One Country, One Priority Product.
The Director-General visited the FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean and had a town hall meeting with more than 800 staff all over the region.
Qu also met the UN Resident Coordinator and representatives from other UN agencies operating in Chile, such as UNDP, UN Women, ECLAC and WHO.