Director-General visits Córdoba University, highlights the importance of academic collaboration

13 December 2019, Córdoba - FAO Director-General QU Dongyu today visited the Agrifood Campus of International Excellence and Córdoba University, together with Luis Planas, Spain’s Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.
The visit provided an opportunity to acknowledge Spain’s agricultural knowledge and practices on sustainable plant and animal production, food safety, and the digitalization of the agrifood sector.
The Director-General noted this knowhow could be shared through FAO’s Hand-in-Hand initiative, which aims to create "matchmaking" between donors and recipients to support tailor-made, targeted efforts to assist vulnerable people.
Qu stressed the vital role of academic collaboration with universities and research institutes to strengthen joint efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
“Young people are the future and need to learn knowledge about food and agriculture”, Qu said, “we welcome dedicated and talented young people to join FAO”.