FAO and WWF agree on need for more science-based solutions to tackle agricultural and environmental challenges

27 February 2020, Rome – FAO Director-General QU Dongyu today met with WWF’s Director-General Marco Lambertini to discuss issues ranging from biodiversity, climate change, agriculture to food systems.
They both agreed on the importance of having more science-based solutions to agricultural and environmental challenges.
In this context, biodiversity should be seen as playing an intrinsic role when it comes to our food, water and climate, and discussions on biodiversity can highlight the positive impacts possible for us to achieve.
The two also acknowledged that a balance must be struck between food production and environmental protection.
Qu noted how over time agriculture has been labeled as a “sufferer” because of climate change, then as a “buffer” to climate change, and currently as a “contributor” or a solution to addressing the negative impacts of climate change.
Lambertini showed appreciation for FAO’s hosting a high-level meeting on biodiversity this week - the second meeting of the Open-ended Working Group established by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) - as this helps to better position discussions on both the vital role of agriculture and biodiversity.