Read-out of the FAO Director-General’s meeting with Anne Beathe Tvinnereim, Minister for International Development of Norway
Rome - FAO Director-General, QU Dongyu today met virtually with Anne Beathe Tvinnereim, Minister for International Development of Norway.
The Minister conveyed her appreciation for their previous discussions and indicated that she had followed up accordingly with the Minister for Agriculture and Food, and the Minister for Fisheries of Norway.
Minister Tvinnereim expressed her appreciation for the announcement of the establishment of a Global Crisis Response Group on Food, Energy and Finance by the UN Secretary-General.
In a media address on 14 March on the effects of the conflict in Ukraine, noting the immense interconnected challenges – including the pandemic and climate crisis – the Secretary-General announced the establishment of a Global Crisis Response Group on Food, Energy and Finance in the UN Secretariat.
The Director-General indicated that FAO is supporting the Global Crisis Response Group and can play a key role in the effort to bring the UN system together around the issues of food, energy and finance – working with other agencies to transform agrifood systems.
The Minister indicated that Norway is interested in being a champion, specifically for the Food and Energy pillars of the initiative.
The pair looked forward to working closely together on the goals of the Global Crisis Response Group.
The Director-General mentioned that FAO as a technical organization has been working since day one on the crisis in Ukraine. He mentioned his participation in the UN Flash Appeal, the establishment of an Ad Hoc working Group on 3 March, the Monthly Food Price Index, the briefing to the G7 Ministers for Agriculture, the 41-page Information Note issued by FAO on the importance of Ukraine and the Russian Federation for global agricultural markets and the risks associated with the current conflict, as well as his recent OpEd on the matter.
The Director-General underlined his appreciation for Norway’s longstanding support to FAO, and further requested Norway’s increased support in the area of seeds and fertilizer supply to small scale farmers, and support to market information, digitalization and aquaculture. These are all areas where Norway and FAO already work closely together, and the pair agreed to further strengthen their cooperation.