Read-out of the FAO Director-General’s meeting with Franklin Mithika Linturi, Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development, Republic of Kenya
Rome - Director-General QU Dongyu and Franklin Mithika Linturi, Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development of the Republic of Kenya held a meeting today, 15 February.
The Director-General welcomed the Cabinet Secretary and indicated that he was looking forward to his upcoming official visit to the Republic of Kenya, where he would be meeting with key government officials, including H.E. William Samoei Ruto, President of the Republic, to discuss how to further enhance cooperation between FAO and Kenya.
In particular, the Director-General commended Kenya’s leading and active role in FAO’s Green Cities Initiative.
For his part, the Cabinet Secretary expressed appreciation for FAO’s ongoing support to Kenya, and reaffirmed Kenya’s commitment to continue working closely together to achieve food security. Of particular note, he highlighted the key role that good data can play in transforming Kenyan agrifood systems.
The Cabinet Secretary also informed the Director-General that Kenya was suffering from drought this year, which is significantly reducing agricultural production and is further compounding the challenges due to COVID-19, the locust and, increases in fertilizer prices, among others. He also informed that Kenya is currently grappling with Fall Armyworm, which has affected the already much-reduced crop production and requested FAO’s ongoing technical support. The Director-General confirmed FAO’s assistance through the Global Action for Fall Armyworm Control.
The two also discussed related matters including agricultural value chain development and the creation of value-added industries, digital solutions for smallholder farmers, market accessibility and job creation.
Finally, the Director-General noted that Kenya could promote its investment plans during the Hand-in-Hand Investment Forum, which will take place during the next World Food Forum from 16 to 21 October 2023.