Spain has experience and innovation to share in agriculture sector says FAO Director-General

13 December 2019, Madrid – FAO Director-General QU Dongyu today praised Spain’s knowhow and achievements in agriculture and food production when he visited the southern city of Cordoba with Luis Planas, Spain’s Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.
Qu said that Spain had an impressive record in the production of cash crops, vegetables and olive oil, and was also a leader in establishing 5G digital technology that promises to transform the rural sector in achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
“We can learn from the experience and practices in Spain,” Qu said. He noted that Spain also had a cultural advantage because the Spanish language was now spoken in more than 20 countries which could learn from Spain’s experience.
FAO is looking forward to a new era of cooperation with Spain, including in the digitalization of agriculture, fisheries and work around the United Nations Decade of Family Farming.