The EU and FAO seek to strengthen cooperation on sustainable agricultural development

18 January 2020, Berlin – In talks today FAO Director-General QU Dongyu and the new European Commissioner for Agriculture, Janusz Wojciechowski, focused on ways to strengthen cooperation between the European Union (EU) and FAO on all agriculture sectors, including farming, fisheries, forestry and related issues, including those affecting the environment and food safety.
Commissioner Wojciechowski briefed the FAO Director-General on the reforms of the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy, mentioning the need to have long-term vision. In their meeting on the sidelines of the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture both Wojciechowski and Qu stressed need to increase food production by 70 percent to feed world population by 2050.
For his part, Director-General Qu presented FAO’s new Hand-in-Hand Initiative in the context of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly SDG 1 and SDG 2. The Hand-in-Hand Initiative focuses on the most vulnerable regions including Small Island Developing States, Landlocked Developing Countries, Least Developed Countries and those suffering from protracted food insecurity.
The FAO Director-General pointed to a need to combine agriculture with rural development in policy design. Given the different conditions existing in each country, FAO member states require tailor-made service.
The two parties agreed to boost collaboration, especially in research exchange and digital innovation, with Director-General Qu expressing FAO’s appreciation for EU support and congratulating the Commissioner on his recent appointment. Wojciechowski welcomed the FAO Director-General’s remarks and said he is looking forward to working closely together.