Bilateral meeting with H.E. Richard Takáč, Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic

©FAO/Giulio Napolitano
Rome - Today the FAO Director-General, QU Dongyu, met at FAO headquarters in Rome with H. E. Richard Takáč, Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic.
The meeting took place on occasion of the Official Opening of the newly renovated Slovak Delegates Lounge at the FAO Headquarters in Rome, established 20 years ago.
The Director-General thanked the Minister for the longstanding support of Slovakia to FAO, and for sharing their experience in agrifood systems with other FAO Members. The pair agreed to continue strengthening the excellent relations, working collectively to strengthen multilateralism.
The Director-General conveyed his appreciation to the Government of the Slovak Republic for the generous contribution for the refurbishment of the Slovak Delegates’ Lounge, which over the years has become a preferred space by delegates of FAO’s Members - their “office-away-from-office” - and a functional venue for Members’ small meetings and bilateral exchanges.
After the bilateral meeting, the pair officially opened the renovated Lounge, followed by the launch of the photographic exhibition on Food Waste “Oliwood Compost”, by the Slovak artist Maria Mikloskova, which captures in photographs the plant remains and waste produced over the course of an entire year.