APRC-35 MINISTERIAL SESSION - Adoption of the Report of the Conference and Closure of the Conference
by Dr QU Dongyu, FAO Director-General
15.00 – 16.00 Adoption of the Report of the Conference and Closure of the Conference
Closing remarks by the FAO Director-General, QU Dongyu
As prepared
Distinguished delegates and friends,
1. This regional conference – my first as Director-General and the first virtual Regional Conference in FAO’s history – has been a great achievement and a learning experience on a number of levels.
2. When I took office just over a year ago, I instructed the Regional Representatives to make these conferences more dynamic, less formal and more open for dialogue with Members.
3. I instructed to bring in other stakeholders, to enhance dialogue and produce more meaningful results.
4. Ironically, the fact that COVID-19 has driven us to meet remotely has, in some ways, helped us to move away from formalities and get closer together.
5. So while we are separated by some 11 time zones, we have still managed to come together, have thought-provoking discussions and reach consensus on a number of important issues.
6. This is the new digital normal.
7. There are a number of other firsts and achievements.
8. The private sector joined us for the first time at an Asia-Pacific regional conference. Civil society organizations also continue to have an important voice here.
9. Before this regional conference was convened, national consultations were held in Member Nations across the region – that was another first.
10. I have listened closely to your discussions and have taken note of your views and recommendations.
11. The FAO COVID-19 Response and Recovery Programme is now in motion. And we must work together to minimize the impact that the pandemic will have on our food systems, livelihoods and health.
12. The Hand in Hand Initiative is coming together quite well, and your discussions in that session of the conference have confirmed to me that FAO is moving in the right direction.
13. The initiative aims to enable matchmaking, which brings the right partners together, at the right time, helping us to move forward and meet the needs of Members, and to get back on track to reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
14. Likewise, the session today on leveraging data, innovation and technology has shown that, here in Asia and the Pacific, we have brilliant minds, scientists and an entrepreneurial spirit that will lead us through the challenges presented by COVID-19 and help us conquer malnutrition and poverty.
15. Our region is second to none when it comes to adaptation and innovation.
16. I would like to thank the Royal Government of Bhutan for hosting this conference under these extraordinary circumstances.
17. Even though we were not able to visit your beautiful country, I am grateful that you have guided this 35th Session of the APRC to a successful conclusion.
18. I look forward to the time in the not too distant future when all FAO Members can once again meet in person.
19. And until that time, I would like to thank you all, distinguished delegates, on behalf of the Secretariat and colleagues here in Rome who have made this virtual session possible, for your participation and guidance.