At P4G Thematic Session On Resilient and Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems
by Dr QU Dongyu, FAO Director-General
Keynote Speech
By FAO Director-General Dr Qu Dongyu
At P4G Thematic Session
On Resilient and Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems
31 May 2021, Seoul
Honorable Ministers,
Distinguished Delegates,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
1. I congratulate the Republic of Korea for hosting this timely event and thank Minister Kim Hyeon-soo for inviting me to speak.
Distinguished Delegates,
2. Considerable progress has been made in addressing world hunger over the past decades.
2. But the world is facing multiple global challenges today:
4. The COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, the loss of biodiversity as well as conflicts, fragility and socio-economic disturbances.
5. The 2021 Global Report on Food Crises launched by FAO and partners this month, is clear:
6. In 2020, 155 million people, living in 55 countries and territories, were estimated to be acutely food insecure and in need of urgent assistance.
7. This is the highest level of food insecurity in the past five years, and represents an increase of 20 million people compared to 2019, pushing the world further away from achieving Sustainable Development Goal 2.
8. To address food insecurity and food crises, it is necessary to understand the root causes, leverage investments, coordinate international efforts and promote partnerships at all levels.
9. A systemic approach is essential for securing development gains in the fight against hunger and poverty, but also for progressing on the delivery of all other SDGs.
10. The role of agri-food systems in achieving the SDGs has never been as critical as it is today.
11. FAO’s Strategic Framework for the next decade seeks to support the 2030 Agenda through the transformation to MORE efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable agri-food systems for better production, better nutrition, a better environment, and a better life, leaving no one behind.
12. Together with its partners, FAO is supporting public, private and community actors at all levels, to manage multiple risks and crises that together threaten and affect diverse agri-food systems.
13. This is done through investments and partnerships in complementary and mutually supportive disaster and climate risk management interventions.
14. The need to respond to the COVID-19 crisis’ presents real opportunities to drive longer-term economic and social transformation.
15. Hence, the importance of supporting and scaling-up green and climate-friendly recovery, especially for the agri-food sectors.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
16. FAO is using innovative approaches and strengthening partnerships with all stakeholders.
17. The FAO COVID-19 Response and Recovery Programme is expanding its areas to better integrate the component of Green Recovery.
18. FAO’s country-led and country-owned Hand-in-Hand Initiative continues to gain strength as a mechanism for bringing diverse actors together to help the least advantaged.
19. The initiative uses cutting-edge technologies and match-making to eradicate poverty, end hunger and malnutrition, and reduce inequalities within and among nations.
20. We are also building resilience and creating opportunities for women and youth, across the agri-food systems.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
21. Transforming our agri-food systems requires innovative thinking and acting beyond sectoral boundaries.
22. It also requires high-level commitment and decisive leadership, as well as a coalition of actors ready to support the changes needed.
23. Today’s P4G Breakout Session on Agriculture provides a strong momentum to share good experiences and take a big step forward.
24. In addition, 2021 is full of opportunities to join forces of all partners; those include the UN Food Systems Summit, the Biodiversity Convention, the G20 Summit, the Climate Change Convention and the FAO Conference.
25. On these occasions, I look forward to working closely with P4G Member countries and partners to translate our common vision of a world free of poverty and hunger into action.
26. Thank you.