Director-General QU Dongyu

Hundred and Twenty-eighth Session of the Program Committee and Hundred and Eightieth Session of the Finance Committee Closing Remarks by Dr QU Dongyu

by Dr QU Dongyu, FAO Director-General



Hundred and Twenty-eighth Session of the Program Committee and

Hundred and Eightieth Session of the Finance Committee

Rome, 17 June 2020

Closing Remarks by Dr QU Dongyu
FAO Director-General


Thank you, Chairs.

Distinguished Members of the Program and Finance Committees,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good morning,

At the end of this Session of the Joint Meeting, I would like to thank all delegations for their contributions and acceptance of my proposal on reform and modular management.

I listened to all comments, suggestions and feedback with great interest.

I appreciated you by the open, professional and frank dialogues.

FAO senior team have answered so many questions openly and to the best of their knowledge. That is a way to improve transparency and accountability among senior management of FAO. You just did very well as I hope to do so as FAO DG elected by the Conference. You are aware that it is first time in the history by Webcasting PC/FC in FAO intranet. All staff could reach your comments and suggestions directly in order to improve the deliveries. The debate and your contributions were followed by many observers.

This is in line with my policy of full transparency that I stand for, from day one as Director-General.

I hope that this strong push for a transparent Organization continues to strengthen your trust in my leadership

And I count on Members giving Management the time and the space necessary to deliver.

I will continue to ensure that the authority you vested on me is used to bring the necessary changes to FAO, I come to Rome for mission to fulfill our mandate on 2030 agenda on SDGs.

We need New FAO:

- demand and challenge driven,

- professional and innovation based, and

- result and impact oriented.

-get talents with merits and respects, good infrastructure with digital advantage, more resources with efficient visibility.

How to build up New FAO?

-First Emancipate the mind, that need changing the mindset, stopping the inertia of thought, accepting new things.

-Second Seek truth from facts, that need follow the professional methodology, investigate things holistically, learn by doing and comparing,

-Third Look forward by solidarity and inclusiveness, that need obey the FAO Basic Text 2017, Each plays its own role, focus on solution and results, design big and do concrete, trust others and be reliable.

I have known that there are a lot of homework for us to do. Let us work for common mandate of efficient, dynamic, inclusive, transparent, accountable, agile and new FAO.

So that we continue

thinking together to make same dream on ending HUNGER,

working together to focus all efforts on the same page, and

contributing together to build a dynamic FAO for a better world.


Gather up your energy and work hard. Action brings change. Let us do more and do better.


Thank you.