UNFSS+2 Africa Special Event: “Unlock capital and investments needed to finance Africa's agrifood systems transformation" Statement
by Dr QU Dongyu, FAO Director-General
Africa Special Event:
“Unlock capital and investments needed to finance Africa's agrifood systems transformation"
Dr QU Dongyu, FAO Director-General
Tuesday 25 July 2023 (10:30)
Dear Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed
Dear Under Secretary-General Cristina Duarte
Ladies and Gentlemen
I am so delighted to participate in this type of promotion, as we need to unleash the potential of Africa.
I have an understanding of Africa that spans about 40 years.
Which is the real potential for Africa? It is its natural resources, its youth, and its rich biodiversity – this is true value for the future.
For years and years, African people and international partners have talked about challenges. But I am always optimistic about Africa. Why? Because Africa is about ten years younger than the world average – you are really a young society!
These ten years are equal to one generation. You can design longer, because you are ten years younger than us.
But how can you turn the natural resources potential advantage into an economic advantage?
That is a first step of the transformation.
The second step is moving from the potential economic advantage, to the social development comparative advantage. That is another step in the transformation.
Today we talk about investments, which of course are very important.
If you do not have a holistic design, a long-term design, and each separate part asks for money for its own sector or sub-sector, this can create problems in the future.
Therefore, I strongly encourage you to use the UN system wide advantage, not only FAO, not only WFP or IFAD, but also UN Women, and the UN Population Fund, and many others.
Because looking at the next 30 years, we need to identify the real potential and the real priority for investment – this is the first thing that needs to be done!
Second, we need to design bigger and longer, and then we need to do concrete.
How can we do concrete? We can do concrete in line with FAO’s mandate.
That is why I launched the 1 000 Digital Villages Initiative, and Digital eAgriculture – that is the future.
We talk about UN system classification: SIDS, LDCs, LLDCs, low-, middle-, high-income – but these are last century classifications!
So I am delighted to see a big change in Africa – you are becoming the new world of the digital world!
Lastly, I strongly encourage Africa to invest in the future. The future for innovation, the future for young girls and young boys.
Thank you.