Modelling Win-Win Scenarios of Carbon Sequestration Through Land-Use Changes

Assessing carbon stocks and
modelling win-win scenarios
of carbon sequestration
through land-use changes

by Raul Ponce-Hernandez

with contributions from

Parviz Koohafkan
and Jacques Antoine

Rome, 2004
Table of Contents

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ISBN 92-5-105158-5

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© FAO 2004

Table of Contents






Outline of the methodology

Assessment of biomass and carbon stock in present land use

TABLE 1 - Use of each nested quadrat site for sampling and measurement
TABLE 2 - Estimation of biomass of tropical forests using regression equations of biomass as a function of DBH
TABLE 3 - Estimation of crown or canopy volume as a function of the shape of the crown
TABLE 4 - Minimum data set for aboveground biomass estimation
TABLE 5 - Non-destructive methods for root biomass estimation

Modelling carbon dynamics in soils

TABLE 6 - Summary description of the CENTURY model as per SOMNET
TABLE 7 - Summary description of the RothC-26.3 model as per SOMNET
TABLE 8 - Codes used in CENTURY to define each of the major land-use types
TABLE 9 - Specific information by major kind of land use for CENTURY
TABLE 10 - Variables describing irrigation in CENTURY
TABLE 11 - Parameters of file IRRI.100

Integrating the assessment of total carbon stocks to carbon sequestration potential with land-use change

TABLE 12 - Relationships between suitability classes and crop yields

Biodiversity assessment

TABLE 13 - Diversity indices for assessing plant diversity

Land degradation assessment

TABLE 14 - Approaches to land degradation assessment
TABLE 15 - Physical degradation
TABLE 16 - Chemical degradation
TABLE 17 - Biological degradation
TABLE 19 - Data compilation table for physical land degradation by water
TABLE 20 - USLE results calculated from nomographs and by using GIS functions
TABLE 21 - Data compiled for the calculation of the crusting index (CI) and other factors pertaining to the assessment of degradation by compaction and crusting
TABLE 22 - Data compiled for the assessment of salinization and sodication of soils
TABLE 23 - Data collected on soil toxicity
TABLE 24 - Data and information collected on the biological degradation of soils
TABLE 25 - Data and information used in the assessment of land degradation per land cover class or LUT
TABLE 26 - Rating system for land degradation assessment (after FAO,1979) - soil erosion by water
TABLE 27 - Rating system for land degradation assessment (after FAO,1979) - degradation by wind erosion
TABLE 28 - Rating system for land degradation assessment (after FAO,1979) - based on indicator variables of biological degradation
TABLE 29 - Ratings for evaluating physical land degradation - based on values of indicator variables for compaction and crusting
TABLE 30 - Calculated current risk for each type of degradation
TABLE 31 - Calculated state of present land degradation (e.g.Texcoco River Watershed,Mexico)
TABLE 32 - Degradation classes for Texcoco watershed by sampling quadrats
TABLE 33 - Land degradation process classification by land cover polygon
TABLE 34 - Results of applying the maximum limitation method on land degradation for the Texcoco watershed by land cover class polygon

Analysis of LUC scenarios for decision-making


Conclusions and recommendations


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