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The Livestock Report highlights critical issues that have arisen with the globalization of the livestock sector. It is the first of a series that aims to stimulate broad debate, and to this end it covers a wide spectrum of topics. Five papers take a global perspective and one provides a snapshot for a region, which in this edition is Asia. The papers presented in the 2005 edition are:

Old players, new players. The centre of gravity of meat and milk production has shifted from the developed countries to the developing world.

Underneath the livestock revolution. The structure of livestock market chains is subtly shifting to accommodate the demands for safety and quality brought about by the livestock revolution.

Managing transboundary animal disease. Control of transboundary diseases is easier in countries with stable, growing economies and good governance, but even in the absence of those conditions veterinary services can improve their own leadership and management.

The future of small scale dairying. Small scale dairy development has been a tool for rural development. To succeed in the long term, small scale operators must satisfy increasing demands for food safety and quality, operate cost-effectively, and take on the challenge of supermarkets.

Animal genetic resources: time to worry? Globalization leads to intensification and concentration of livestock production and processing, emphasizing the use of a small number of breeds. Policymakers need to be aware of the dangers of eroding the gene pool and make provision for conserving genetic resources.

Asian Livestock benefiting from innovation. Asia is characterized by entrepreneurship and innovation, and the livestock sector is no exception.

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