Global Programme for the Prevention and Control of H5N1 Highly Pathogenic
Avian Influenza

February 2008

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      Table of contents

      Abbreviations and acronyms

      Executive summary

      CHAPTER 1
      Context and update

        1.1 Evolution of the Global Programme
        1.2 Achievements
        1.3 Lessons learned and implications
        1.4 Current disease situation

      CHAPTER 2
      Programme objective and strategy

        2.1 Programme objectives
        2.2 Programme strategy

      CHAPTER 3
      Programme structure

        3.1 Coordination and support at global leve
        3.2 Coordination and support at regional level
        3.3 Support at national level

      CHAPTER 4
      Thematic components of the programme

        4.1 EMPRES - Animal Health
        4.2 Socioeconomic analysis, production systems and biodiversity
        4.3 Communication and public awareness

      CHAPTER 5
      Programme outputs and activities

        5.1 Coordinated and efficient global response to HPAI
        5.2 Disease control strategies and options
        5.3 Regional and national capacities and competencies

      CHAPTER 6
      Overview of programme costs and funding

        6.1 Funding requirements
        6.2 Current funding situation
        6.3 Funding mechanisms

      CHAPTER 7
      Programme monitoring and evaluation

        7.1 Programme monitoring
        7.2 Programme evaluation
        7.3 Reporting


        1. Logical framework
        2. ECTAD organigram
        3. Geographic coverage of Regional Animal Health Centres

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