GM Food Safety Assessment


tools for trainers

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Rome, 2009

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ISBN 978-92-5-105978-4
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© FAO 2009


While FAO recognizes that genetic engineering has the potential to help increase production and productivity in agriculture, forestry and fisheries, FAO is also mindful of concerns about the potential risks posed by certain aspects of modern biotechnology, including effects on human and animal health and possible environmental consequences.
This training package, GM Food Safety Assessment: Tools for Trainers, is composed of three parts, and is accompanied by a CD-ROM containing the visual aids and other relevant reference materials. The first part, Principles of safety assessment of foods derived from recombinant-DNA plants, provides guidance for the implementation of an effective framework for safety assessment of foods derived from recombinant-DNA plants. The second part, Tools and techniques for trainers, offers a practical guide for preparing and delivering a workshop on the topic of safety assessment of foods derived from recombinant-DNA plants. This section contains various checklists and forms, a sample workshop agenda, sample workshop evaluation sheet, and five useful presentation modules for trainers. All forms, presentations and copies of the relevant Codex Alimentarius documents are included in the CD-ROM in electronic format. The third part, Case studies, presents three safety assessment dossiers that have been summarized for training purposes. After the completion of training based on this tool, recipients will be able to plan and deliver GM food safety assessment training for food safety authorities, regulators and scientists as part of their own national training programmes.

Table of Contents

List of tables, boxes, forms and presentation modules
List of appendices
Contents of the CD-ROM

[Download 161kb]


Part One
Principles of safety assessment of foods derived from
recombinant-DNA plants

[Download 523kb]


Part Two
Tools and techniques for trainers

[Download 942kb]


Part Three
Case Studies

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