Vaccine manual: The production and quality control of veterinary vaccines for use in developing countries


The production and quality control of veterinary vaccines for use in developing countries



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Table of Contents



The induction of immunity by veterinary immunoprophylactics
Genetically engineered vaccines Viral vaccines
Bacterial vaccines
Mycoplasmal vaccines
Protozoal and rickettsial vaccines
Multicellular parasite vaccines
Conventional vaccines
Special requirements for village chickens
Fish vaccines
Role of the Office International des Epizooties and International organizations in vaccine quality standardization


Registration, licensing, controls and practical issues related to veterinary vaccines
The role of private industry in the transfer of vaccine technology to developing countries
General design and operating requirements for vaccine manufacturing establishments
Design, repair and maintenance of vaccine manufacturing establishments and equipment
Aspects of financial management of veterinary vaccine manufacturing operations in developing countries
The logistics of vaccine manufacture in developing countries


Basic laboratory services and media preparation for vaccine produtcion
Modern cell culture technology for vaccine manufacture
Fermentation technology for the production of bacterial vaccines
The use of lyophilization in the manufacture of vaccines
Viral vaccines
Bacterial vaccines
Adjuvants in veterinary vaccines
Bottling, labelling and packaging of vaccines


Quality assurance and good manufacturing practice
The principles of good laboratory practices , including safety in vaccine production and quality control
The role of reference and regional laboratories
Description and documnetation of production and quality control of veterinary vaccines
Assessment of potency in bacterial vaccines
Potency control of modified live viral vaccines
Potency assessment of inactivated viral vaccines
In vitro potency testing of inactivated biologics: current situation in the European Union
Sterility management and testing of vaccines and raw materials for adventitious agents




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