

Twenty-fourth Session

Rome, Italy, 26 February - 2 March 2001



COFI/2001/1 Provisional Agenda and Timetable (1)

COFI/2001/2 Achievements of Major Programme 2.3 Fisheries 1998-1999 (2)

COFI/2001/3 Progress in the Implementation of the Code of Conduct for (2)
Responsible Fisheries and related International Plans of Action

COFI/2001/4 Decisions and Recommendations of the Seventh Session of (2)
the COFI Sub-Committee on Fish Trade

COFI/2001/5 Proposals for a COFI Sub-Committee on Aquaculture (2)

COFI/2001/6 Review of the CITES Listing Criteria for Species Exploited by (2)
Fisheries in Marine and Large Freshwater Bodies

COFI/2001/7 Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing: Proposal for a (2)
Draft International Plan of Action

COFI/2001/7 Add (3)

COFI/2001/8 Proposal for Improved Status and Trends Reporting on Fisheries (2)

COFI/2001/9 Report on the Expert Consultation on Economic Incentives and (2)
Responsible Fisheries

COFI/2001/10 Medium-Term Plan for Major Programme 2.3 Fisheries 2002-2007 (2)


(1) With the invitation

(2) Before the Session

(3) At the Session
COFI/2001/Inf.1 Provisional List of Documents (2)

COFI/2001/Inf.2 Provisional List of Participants (3)

COFI/2001/Inf.3 Statement by the Director-General (3)

COFI/2001/Inf.4 Report of the Twenty-third Session of the Committee on Fisheries, (3)
Rome, Italy, 15-19 February 1999

COFI/2001/Inf.5 Follow-up to the Recommendations of the Twenty-third Session (2)
of the Committee on Fisheries, Rome, Italy, 15-19 February 1999

COFI/2001/Inf.6 Report on the Second Meeting of FAO and Non-FAO Regional (3)
Fishery Bodies or Arrangements, FAO, Rome, Italy, 20-21 February
2001: Main Conclusions and Recommendations

COFI/2001/Inf.7 Report of the Seventh Session of the COFI Sub-Committee on Fish (3)
Trade, Bremen, Germany, 22-25 March 2000

COFI/2001/Inf.8 Report of the Expert Consultation on Proposed COFI Sub-Committee (3)
on Aquaculture, Bangkok, Thailand, 28-29 February 2000

COFI/2001/Inf.9 Report of the Technical Consultation on the Suitability of the CITES (3)
Criteria for Commercially-exploited Aquatic Species, Rome, Italy,
28-30 June 2000

COFI/2001/Inf.10 Summary of the Report of the Joint FAO/IMO Ad hoc Working (2)
Group on Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing and Related
Matters, Rome, Italy, 9-11 October 2000

COFI/2001/Inf.11 Not Issued

COFI/2001/Inf.12 Biosecurity in Food and Agriculture (3)

COFI/2001/Inf.13 Statement of Competence and Voting Rights submitted by the (3)
European Community (EC) and its Member States