PC 85/1



Rome, 7-11 May 2001


  1. Adoption of the Agenda and Timetable
    (Docs.: PC 85/1; PC 85/INF/1)

  2. Election of the Vice-Chairman for 2001

  3. Summary Programme of Work and Budget 2002-03
    (Doc.: CL 120/3)

  4. Evaluation of FAO's Policy Assistance
    (Doc.: PC 85/4)

  5. The Evaluation Website - a Presentation
    (Doc.: PC 85/INF/3)

  6. Field Project Evaluation - Follow-up to the Synthesis of Recent Field Project Evaluations - Implementation Report
    (Doc.: PC 85/6)

  7. The Level of FAO's Field Programme - A Progress Report
    (Doc.: PC 85/7)

  8. FAO Gender and Development Plan of Action
    (Doc.: PC 85/8)

  9. Report on Important Programme Developments
    (Doc.: PC 85/9)

  10. UN Joint Inspection Units Report
    (Docs.: CL 120/INF/11; CL 120/INF/12)

  11. Progress Report on the Follow-up to Past Programme Committee Recommendations
    (Doc.: PC 85/11)

  12. Review of the Working Methods of the Programme Committee
    (No document)

  13. Possible Items for Discussion at the Next Session
    (No document)

  14. Any Other Business

  15. Date and Place of the Eighty-sixth Session


This document does not constitute an invitation to the session.
While complete sets of documents cannot be provided, one copy of specific committee documents can be provided upon written request.